24/7 Email Support
(844) RX-Med-Card [844-796-3322]
Se habla Espanol

You've got questions? We've got answers...
Q - How do I get started?
A - Fill out the online form and we do the rest!
Q - Is this a discount card?
A - No, this is not a discount card. This is a pharmacy benefit card, much like a regular insurance card. Your doctor or pharmacy bills us at the time of treatment, we pay all bills and file a lien against the proceeds of your case/ claim.
Q - How does it work?
A - It's 3 easy steps.
1. Enter the patient's basic info into this website
2. A digital card will be instantly sent to your phone and Email
3. Show the card to any pharmacy and walk out paying $0 out of pocket
Q - How long does activation take?
A - Once a completed form is received, one of our representative will immediately input the information in the system. Within a few minutes a card is activated. ***Note: missing information can cause a delay
Q - When can I expect my card?
A - Once a pharmacy card has been activated, a copy of the card is Emailed directly to the patient's Email address provided in the order form. A copy of the pharmacy card is also faxed and/or Emailed to the attorney listed on the order form and can be sent directly to your smartphone via image text.
Q - Can I use it at my local pharmacy?
A - The pharmacy card is accepted at over 65,000 pharmacies including your local Costco, Rite Aid, CVS, Target, Walgreens. To check if your pharmacy is in network, please click this link and lookup your pharmacy.
Q - What happens if my prescription gets denied at the pharmacy?
A - Call us immediately before leaving the pharmacy, the issue can usually be resolved within a couple of minutes
Q - Why are some of my medications being denied when others are approved ?
A - When you receive a new prescription, please call the number on your card to add the new prescription to the approved medications list. A PRIOR AUTHORIZATION is required for all name brand, over the counter, non-pain and non-inflammation related medications.
Q - How does the law firm receive bills and reports?
A - Our system will aggregate and send all records directly to the case manager weekly, as more medications are filled.
Q - Do you accept lien reductions? Who do we settle with?
A - When it comes time to settle, you'll only need to deal directly with us. We work with all of the pharmacies to automatically handle billing through our system and will have a signed settlement back to you within 30 minutes.
Still not convinced? We hear you.
Speak with one of our Benefits Coordinators (844) 796-3322